SEO Auckland: How to Improve Your Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to optimising the various components of your website from its core. It involves improving site architecture and ensuring search engines index content effectively while addressing duplicate content issues.

SEO Auckland: How to Improve Your Technical SEOSome of the most critical technical SEO Auckland responsibilities include using an SSL certificate, preventing 404 errors and creating canonical URLs. While these tasks may take considerable time and energy to complete effectively, they’re essential in improving SEO rankings.

Page speed

Page speed is one of the critical aspects of technical SEO Auckland, as Google considers page loading time an indirect ranking factor. Slow websites tend to rank poorly, negatively affecting user experience as well. There are various methods available to you for increasing page speed; one is using Google’s free PageSpeed Insights tool, which analyses your website and offers recommendations such as optimising images, compressing files and caching data – or you could hire a professional developer who will optimise its code further.

Page speed should never be thought of as a single, static number. Remember that different users have differing connection speeds and browsers, which could lead to various loading times for pages on one webpage compared to another. So, one user with faster internet might see pages load quickly enough that they could interact immediately. At the same time, another might experience long loading times or be stuck staring at a blank page until pages finally load completely.


Sitemaps are XML files that list all of your website pages and their respective URLs to assist search engines in effectively indexing them, making them especially helpful if too many web pages don’t link well together or have content hidden from normal crawling processes. Sitemaps can also help discover ranges that would normally go undetected through regular indexing processes.

Sitemaps may make it easier for search engines to index your site, but they aren’t necessary for all websites. In particular, if other issues affecting SEO, like duplicate content or broken links, exist on the page, it would be prudent to address those before considering adding a sitemap.

A sitemap can also help prevent duplicate content by listing unique pages on your website and listing only these unique ones in Google Search Console’s “Sitemaps” left menu; WordPress or Wix sites automatically submit their sitemaps for Google indexing. To create one yourself, sign in to Google Search Console and click “Sitemaps.” In submiting one manually via one of these programs.

Robots.txt file

The robots.txt text file instructs web crawlers and bots which parts of your website you wish them to access or not, along with how long they should wait between requests. It can save your server unnecessary work while speeding up indexing/crawling processes; additionally, it may help prevent malicious bots such as email scrapers, spambots and those trying to inject malware from accessing it.

The Robots Exclusion Protocol allows fine-grained control over which folders and files you want to prevent bots from accessing. You can even use it to block specific user agents such as Googlebot, MSNbot, or Yahoo! bot.

The disallow command restricts bot access to folders or single files but doesn’t stop their pages from appearing in search engine results. That is where the noindex directive comes into play – working together with disallow, it prevents certain pages from being indexed by search engine crawlers. It is often used on e-commerce websites to prevent bots from accessing shopping cart and checkout pages; it can also be used in conjunction with nofollow to tell web crawlers not to follow links present on specific pages.


Metadata is a type of information about data that search engines use to understand and organise content and display relevant results to searchers. Common forms of metadata are meta titles, descriptions, alt attributes for images, canonical tags pagination data and social media data – but there may also be others, such as canonical tags pagination data and social media data, that help improve technical SEO Auckland for sites.

As part of technical SEO, your website must be indexable. Without this capability, Google cannot effectively crawl and index pages that require analysis by their search bots – one way of checking this status is using URL Inspection in Search Console as a free tool.